Crashes constantly

The 2.27 version crashes frequently on ios 12.3.1 (iPhone 6s). Lately after the crash the application generates over 20 planned exercises. Will there be fix for the crash problems? I think it has been a problem for quite some time now and not only problem with this Gym hero version.

Same happened to me yesterday.

:scream: oops, I can’t repro this - anybody else has this problem?

I have it every day…on iPhone 6s Plus and iPhone 11 Pro Max

@kunzv @botox @juha-p-saarinen-gmai might I interest you in testing a beta version of Gym Hero?

Sure why not? :slight_smile:

@kunzv let me know once you’ve joined!

I‘m in. Normally I‘m using the Pro-Version. Does it make any impact?