Last time reps/weight question

I do three different full body workouts, going to failure for 8-10, 15, 20 reps. I rotate through these. My question is, is there a setting or any way to show more than the last weight and reps for an exercise? If I did 10 day yesterday and today is 15 day, it would be cool to see what I did on that exercise the last 15 day, instead of what I did yesterday on 10 day.

Thanks. Overall pretty cool app.

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I have the issue: same exercise done differently - one day low rep/high weight, another day high rep/low weight. It would be great if the app could track the weight for each. Otherwise, great app!

Until we can show values not only from the last time, but the last times, you could use this little workaround: name the exercises slightly differently (e.g. “Bench press #highreps” and “Bench press #highweight”) but assign them to the same muscle group.

Would that help?