[solved] App crashes upon opening

My app is crashing as soon as I open it. My iPhone is up to date as well has my gym hero app. Please help, I can’t get to any of my workouts been using this app for years.

Woops, sorry for that! A few questions:

  1. is it the free or Pro app?
  2. the newest workout that has synced to gymhero.me is from May 2015 - does that sound right?

I have unlocked your account, so if you download Gym Hero Free and log in with your username, the app will unlock to the same feature set as pro, and your workouts will sync as well.

Let me know if that helps or not (feel free to DM), I’m sure we can figure this out quickly.

Before I updated the app today. I have also this Problem that it instant close after I opened it. I have the Pro Version.

Thanks a lot for this great support!

Woops - so with the update from today (2.22) you get a crash? :scream:

Nope, after I updated today it works.

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Great! Sorry for the troubles.