[BUG] cant put decimal on the weight after update to v2.26

Hi there, @jannis
just let you guys know,
the apps works perfectly before the new update, then i updated it to the newest one 2.26 (2.26.6),
because it said it got some bugs fixed , but sadly i experience otherwise

1.after update to the new gym hero, the apps doesnt working on IOS 9 - so i need to do the IOS update
2. after the IOS update [ IOS 12.1] , its now working but it wont allowed me to put decimal on the weight, and everytime i try… it automatically convert the number to 0

hope you guys can figure things out n improve your apps to be better.

I have the same problem. Some more details can be found here https://gymhero.me/community/t/beta-2-26-2-released/3613/2

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Yeah - odd, the fix for the decimals doesn’t appear to have solved all cases. I’m working on it right now!

Any update on this? Still not working for me (Dutch region with English language set).

Another month passed, any update on this? This is a minor bug, please fix this!

No update yet, unfortunately. Family & life taking up too much time. I’ll get on it as soon as I can!

What’s the status on fixing this issue with the decimal problem? It’s been going on for months. I’m well aware that “life” can interfere, but although it might not have been a huge amount, I THINK I paid X EUR/USD for the Pro version a long time ago. As a result, is it unfair to expect that this issue is fixed by now?

I can TYPE the decimal in the box:

However, as soon as I move to the next box, it automatically resets to zero…

On a different note, when adding three exercises, shouldn’t the number of calories burned increase:

33 sets and 36 sets shouldn’t burn the same number of calories, should they?

Best regards,

Hey @flophousedk, yeah, I’m really sorry. It’s not unfair to assume that the issue should be fixed. The latest thing slowing me down was that our apartment was broken into and all laptops stolen. New one is ordered though, so hopefully I can pick this up soon. I know it sucks, maybe it even bothers me more than it bothers you, but all I can give you is my word that I didn’t forget about the issue and will solve it as soon as I can. Apologies :pray:

@flophousedk P.S. re calories: we calculate them based on the info we have: workout duration, body weight and gender (if in Apple Health and access granted). If you know of any papers on how to calculate this more precise by knowing reps, weight moved, and exercises, I’d appreciate!

I’m sorry to hear about that unfortunate situation! I hope everything has settled down by now? However, close to two months later, I don’t think this bug has been fixed - or am I overlooking something?

Maybe I’m not explaining myself carefully enough - my apologies for that.
If you look at the first picture I enclosed, you’ll that 11 exercises and a total of 33 sets burned 659 calories. When adding another exercise thereby going from 11 to 12 exercises - and 36 sets - the number of calories burned is unchanged (659 calories). Isn’t that a bit odd…?

Yeah - as I said, we only found a reliable formula for duration and body metrics (age, weight, gender). For everything more precise, we don’t know enough yet. While for some exercises it might be straightforward (e.g. deadlift) to say “you lifted that weight for so many reps and your body height is so many cm, therefore you moved that weight x cm y times which is roughly z calories”, for others it’s pretty difficult because of pulley effects. And we don’t have that info in our database yet.

Anyways - I think I fixed the decimals bug! We falsely used your iOS language to determine how to parse strings (e.g. use , or . as decimal separator). However, the iOS language does not have to equal the region settings (for decimal separators, currencies, and so on) - now we use the region.

If you’re not already a beta tester, it’s time to become one so you can try the new version out this weekend!

I’m not sure why another formula is needed - if the app can calculate everything in the first place, isn’t it just about re-calculating everything once another set is added or existing sets revised?
The decimal issue still doesn’t work here - but it hasn’t worked for ages so I’ve actually grown accustomed to just using complete numbers for weights instead of decimals…

Yeah, but once you have “finished” the workout, the end date is stored. If you later edit the workout again, the end date will not be adjusted. Therefore the duration of the workout doesn’t change, and also not the calories burnt.

:laughing: let me know if you’re interested in the beta!

Yeah, but once you have “finished” the workout, the end date is stored. If you later edit the workout again, the end date will not be adjusted. Therefore the duration of the workout doesn’t change, and also not the calories burnt.

:laughing: let me know if you’re interested in the beta!