@lpd190 Hi!
Let’s break this down:
1 .You’ve paid $5 once for Gym Hero
2. You’ve been using and counting on Gym Hero for years
3. You have been receiving bug fixes for years, for free
4. You have been receiving updates for years, for free
5. You have been receiving new features for years, for free
May I ask how much you paid for your last cup of coffee, and how long that lasted? And how you have the nerve to now complain?
The kind of support you want, you can either get by:
- using an app with professional support, financed by a subscription model where you pay something around $30 per month
- using an app with professional support financed by analysing and selling your data and ads
- using an app with professional support, that is currently free because it is still burning VC money, and will fall into either the first or the second category a year later because they have to make money
Your choice.
This is a friendly community, the app is made and maintained by two people in their spare time, next to the day job and the kids, and it would be appropriate that you show some respect for that. Your always free to leave, and we wish you the best of luck.
Don’t be so bitter; it’s just workouts, it’s just an app, we’re doing the best we can, and you got nothing to be mad about