Schwarzenegger Mass Program
This routine includes the following exercises
- Decline Crunch
- Upright Barbell Rows
- Incline Bench Press
- Bent Over Row with Barbell
- Seated Military Press
- Incline Triceps Extensions with Dumbbell
- Seated Ab Crunch with Cable
- Smith Machine Good Mornings
- Front Dumbbell Raise
- Barbell Dead Lifts
- Chin Ups
- Incline Biceps Curl with Dumbbell
- Bent Over Rear Deltoid Raise With Head On Bench
- Seated Bicep Curl with Dumbbell
- Lateral Dumbbell Raises
- Arnold Press
- Rear Deltoid Row Dumbbell
- Dumbbell Flys
- Dumbbell Bent Arm Pullover
- Close Grip Barbell Bench Press
- Wide Grip Standing Biceps Curl with Barbell
- Cable Crossover
- Barbell Squat
- Barbell Lunges
- Seated Leg Curl
- Bench Press
- Seated Calf Raise using Machine
- Standing Barbell Calf Raise
- Dumbbell Shoulder Press
- Concentration Curls with Dumbbell
- Leg Extensions
- Flat Bench Leg Raises
- Smith Machine Shoulder Shrugs
- Decline Close Grip Bench to Skull Crusher